MCEF Motions and Implementation

Recent Motions

10/2024MCEF Steering Committee recommendation to approve a Posthumous Degree Conferral Policy: With the approval of the Provost, a dean may recommend the conferral of a posthumous degree or certificate on a student who was enrolled in a program in their school within one year before the proposed date of degree conferral and with 90% of credits required to graduate completed.MCEF approved, with a request that either lowering or eliminating the 90% guideline be considered.
2/2024MCEF Steering Committe recommendation to approve a Posthumous Degree Conferral PolcMCEF Approved and communicated to the Honor Council
4/28/23MCEF Steering Committee recommendation to approve the Quantitative and Data Literacy requirement for all undergraduates to launch in 2024.Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the October 2023 Provost Office Newsletter.
2/24/23MCEF Steering Committee recommendation to approve the Pathways to Social Justice requirement (which will replace the Engaging Diversity requirement) for all undergraduates, to launch in Fall 2024.Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the October 2023 Provost Office Newsletter.
1/28/22MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that tenure-line faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations for the purposes of merit review was approved.Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter.
1/28/22MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that Main Campus tenure-line faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations in their rank and tenure dossier was approved.Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter.
1/28/22MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that FTNTL faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations for the purposes of merit review was approved.Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter.
1/28/22Motion that Main Campus FTNTL faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations for purposes of promotions and contract renewals was approved.Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter.
1/28/22Proposal to endorse a decision not to require Main Campus faculty to use the Georgetown Travel Service was approved.Policy was adopted and communicated in the April 2022 Faculty Newsletter from the Office of the Provost.
9/24/21Proposal to discontinue the use of the pre-approved list for externally funded fellowships and allow tenure line faculty to take funded external research fellowships (as defined below), subject to the 3-in-4 rule and chair/dean approval was approved.Policy was adopted and communicated in the October 2021 Faculty Newsletter from the Office of the Provost.
6/21/21Proposal that normal grading (A-F letter grades and the normal PF) be resumed in Fall 2021 for both undergraduate and graduate students was approved.Policy was adopted. The liberalized grading option and withdrawal period continued through the Summer 2021 semester.
4/30/21The MCEF voted to approve that merit scores computed in the academic years 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23 for non-tenure line faculty members will be calculated as three-year averages. (Example: The merit score for AY 2021/22 is the average of the merit scores for AYs 18/19, 19/20, and 20/21.)Policy was adopted and communicated in the February 2022 Faculty Newsletter from the Office of the Provost.
3/19/21MCEF Steering Committee Recommendation regarding Adjusting the Merit Review Policy (tenure-line) for Pandemic-Related Disturbances was approved. Beginning with the computation of merit scores for salary increases to take effect in FY22, averaging calculated in AY20/21 will reach back four years instead of three, and will cover the years: AY16/17, AY17/18, AY18/19, and AY19/20.Policy was adopted and communicated in the April 2021 and February 2022 Faculty Newsletters from the Office of the Provost.
2/19/21MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that for tenure line faculty members, inclusion of student evaluations of teaching for AY21 merit evaluation is at their discretion was approved.Policy was adopted and communicated by the Provost’s Office.
1/29/21The Proposal for the Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellows Program was approved. The Program went into effect for faculty searches in 2021-2022.
1/29/21MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that Main Campus faculty will have the option to have the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 course evaluations in their rank and tenure dossier was approved.Policy was adopted in the University’s Guidelines for Submission of Rank and Tenure Applications, Section V.b.ii.

Archived Motions (2013-2018)

12/14/18MCEF recommended approval of changes to Honor Council’s policyPolicy adopted.
12/14/18Resolution to be sent to President DeGioia regarding changes to Title IX rulesResolution was sent to President’s office. No further action needed.
12/14/18MCEF Motion on SFS Participation in Annual Review of Pre-Tenure Faculty  was approvedAnnual Review Policy approved.
11/16/18MCEF Recommendations based on the Intellectual Life Report were approvedRecommendations forwarded to Provost for consideration  and implementation. Implementation has begun.
11/16/18Proposed language by Sexual Assault and Misconduct Advisory Committee for inclusion on syllabus


was accepted and recommended for faculty use

No further action required
11/16/18LGBTQIA+ Suggested Language on Names and Pronouns  was accepted and recommended for faculty useNo further action required
10/26/18Adjustment of Academic calender to harmonize the last day to withdraw from classes with “W” grade for undergraduate and graduate studentsPolicy adopted.
3/23/18Annual Review Policy for TL facultyPolicy was forwarded to Council of Deans
1/26/18Faculty Members’ Access to Their Records PolicyPolicy adopted. No further action required.
5/5/17The MCEF approved an updated statement of learning goals for the Core Curriculum.No further action required.
5/5/17The MCEF approved a joint committee with the Provost to examine issues surrounding NTL including in faculty governance.Committee has issued a report that is under consideration
5/5/17The MCEF approved a change in language for the sanctioning mechanism of the Honor CouncilProposal is being discussed with the Council of Deans
5/5/17The MCEF approved a committee to develop a draft Code of Professional Conduct for the Main CampusCommittee is being formed
5/5/17The MCEF passed a proposal asking for regular reporting from the Provost’s office on the number and type of faculty in programs across campus.First report has been made
3/24/17The MCEF created a committee to revisit and revise the Merit Review PolicyCommitte is underway
2/24/17The MCEF passed a proposal to remove class rankings from undergraduate transcipts.No further action required
1/27/17The MCEF authorized the Registrar to revise the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 academic calendar to meet accreditation requirements.No further action required
11/18/16The MCEF created a Constitution Committee to recommend changes to the MCEF constitution.Committee is underway
10/21/16The MCEF created the Intellectual Life Committee to provide an update to the decennial Intellectual Life ReportCommittee is underway
5/6/16The MCEF approves the Resolution concerning Access to Faculty Records.Policy recommation has been made and approved
1/15/15The MCEF approves the Revised Proposal for a “Designing the Futures AdvisoryCommittee.”No further action required
12/11/15The MCEF supported the proposed salary plan for TL and FTNTL faculty.Passed by the Board of Directors
12/11/15The MCEF approved the Main Campus FTNTL Faculty Committee proposal.The committee has been formed.
10/9/15The MCEF approved the Proposed Mid-Career Development Consultation Proposal.No further action required
5/8/15The document, “Georgetown University Main Campus Policy on Full-Time Faculty Salary Increases,” is an accurate statement of current policy.No further action required
4/24/15The MCEF approved the addition of an “Engaging Diversity” requirement to the Core Curriculum.Passed by the Board of Directors
4/24/15Recognizing the seriousness of sexual misconduct incidents on college campuses, the MCEF approved a motion supporting the dissemination of a statement regarding sexual misconduct by deans and faculty members.No further action required
4/24/15The MCEF approved a motion expressing concern over the worsening traffic congestion on the Main Campus.No further action required
2/27/15Membership was approved for the Film and Media Studies Program.No further action required
1/30/15Departments must ensure that each PhD student who is a teaching assistant receives a written course evaluation for each semester.A committee is studying implementation
1/30/15All terminal master’s students (except MBA students) will come under the Main Campus Honor Council.Implemented
1/30/15The Research FTNTL Framework was approved.Passed by the Board of Directors
12/12/14The MCEF approved the creation of a University-wide course designation for cross-campus interdisciplinary and experimental courses, for a three-year trial period.No further action required
12/12/14Georgetown Day activities should begin at noon.    Arrangements should be made to make up any classes cancelled after noon.  Student Affairs is asked to bring back a proposal to address noise concerns during afternoon classes.A committee has been formed to study changes to Georgetown Day
11/21/14Georgetown Day should not be held on a class day.A committee has been formed to study changes to Georgetown Day
9/19/14The MCEF approved the FTNTL framework for Instructional Faculty.Approved by the Board of Directors
9/19/14The MCEF endorsed the position that any minimum enrollment policy should be implemented in close consultation with departments and the faculty.No further action required
5/2/14The MCEF requested that the Registrar change the default window for evaluations to the 24-hour period encompassing the last class period.This change was not feasible
5/2/14The MCEF requested that the Registrar change the default window for evaluations from the standard week to the 24-hour period encompassing the last class period.Registrar will report on implementation issues and possible alternatives
4/25/14The Main Campus Executive Faculty invites the Georgetown University Student Association and the four Academic Councils to select two non-voting student representatives to the MCEF.Implemented
4/25/14The MCEF approved the Phased-Retirement Proposal dated 4/16/14, with amendments.Passed by the Board of Directors
4/25/14The MCEF approved the Special Voluntary Early Retirement Program proposal dated 4/16/14.Passed by the Board of Directors
4/25/14The MCEF approved the principles for a framework for full-time NTL faculty and endorsed the formation of an implementation committee.Implementation Team was formed
3/28/14Each faculty member should receive the grade distributions from every course and section in her/his department or program annually.Implemented
2/21/14Each chair and program director should receive data annually on their students’ average GPA inside and outside the major.Implemented
1/24/14The MCEF voted to approve the Provost’s memo on Academic Continuity Planning dated 11/15/2013.Implemented
1/24/14The MCEF passed a resolution expressing its objections to the proposed Voluntary Retirement Program.  Specific concerns included the 25% reduction in compensation for retiring faculty and the process by which the proposals were generated.A task force was formed to revise the proposals
12/13/13The MCEF expressed its concern that the Merit Review Policy approved by the MCEF in December 2012 has not been implemented.The Provost will form a committee to study the merit system
12/13/13The MCEF approved the 12/04/13 draft of the Guidelines on Joint Faculty.Implemented
12/13/13Intellectual Life at Georgetown University 2006-2007: Recommendation 6.4 (grade distributions by department should be sent to all faculty members annually).Implemented
11/15/13Approved the Course Banking Proposal with additions: (i)  This policy will be re-evaluated after 3 years; and (ii)  If the proposal involves a single academic year, the faculty member can borrow ahead.Implemented
10/25/13MCEF approved the new sabbatical flexibility policy.Implemented
9/27/13The MCEF voted to amend the Constitution to expand membership eligibility to full-time members of the faculty with at least one year of service.Passed by the Board of Directors

*Click on the date to see the actual motion