MCEF Motions and Implementation
Recent Motions
Date | Motion | Status |
10/2024 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation to approve a Posthumous Degree Conferral Policy: With the approval of the Provost, a dean may recommend the conferral of a posthumous degree or certificate on a student who was enrolled in a program in their school within one year before the proposed date of degree conferral and with 90% of credits required to graduate completed. | MCEF approved, with a request that either lowering or eliminating the 90% guideline be considered. |
2/2024 | MCEF Steering Committe recommendation to approve a Posthumous Degree Conferral Polc | MCEF Approved and communicated to the Honor Council |
4/28/23 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation to approve the Quantitative and Data Literacy requirement for all undergraduates to launch in 2024. | Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the October 2023 Provost Office Newsletter. |
2/24/23 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation to approve the Pathways to Social Justice requirement (which will replace the Engaging Diversity requirement) for all undergraduates, to launch in Fall 2024. | Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the October 2023 Provost Office Newsletter. |
1/28/22 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that tenure-line faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations for the purposes of merit review was approved. | Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter. |
1/28/22 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that Main Campus tenure-line faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations in their rank and tenure dossier was approved. | Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter. |
1/28/22 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that FTNTL faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations for the purposes of merit review was approved. | Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter. |
1/28/22 | Motion that Main Campus FTNTL faculty will have the option to include or omit the AY 2021-22 standardized course evaluations for purposes of promotions and contract renewals was approved. | Policy was adopted, and communicated by the Provost’s Office in the November 2022 Provost Office Newsletter. |
1/28/22 | Proposal to endorse a decision not to require Main Campus faculty to use the Georgetown Travel Service was approved. | Policy was adopted and communicated in the April 2022 Faculty Newsletter from the Office of the Provost. |
9/24/21 | Proposal to discontinue the use of the pre-approved list for externally funded fellowships and allow tenure line faculty to take funded external research fellowships (as defined below), subject to the 3-in-4 rule and chair/dean approval was approved. | Policy was adopted and communicated in the October 2021 Faculty Newsletter from the Office of the Provost. |
6/21/21 | Proposal that normal grading (A-F letter grades and the normal PF) be resumed in Fall 2021 for both undergraduate and graduate students was approved. | Policy was adopted. The liberalized grading option and withdrawal period continued through the Summer 2021 semester. |
4/30/21 | The MCEF voted to approve that merit scores computed in the academic years 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23 for non-tenure line faculty members will be calculated as three-year averages. (Example: The merit score for AY 2021/22 is the average of the merit scores for AYs 18/19, 19/20, and 20/21.) | Policy was adopted and communicated in the February 2022 Faculty Newsletter from the Office of the Provost. |
3/19/21 | MCEF Steering Committee Recommendation regarding Adjusting the Merit Review Policy (tenure-line) for Pandemic-Related Disturbances was approved. Beginning with the computation of merit scores for salary increases to take effect in FY22, averaging calculated in AY20/21 will reach back four years instead of three, and will cover the years: AY16/17, AY17/18, AY18/19, and AY19/20. | Policy was adopted and communicated in the April 2021 and February 2022 Faculty Newsletters from the Office of the Provost. |
2/19/21 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that for tenure line faculty members, inclusion of student evaluations of teaching for AY21 merit evaluation is at their discretion was approved. | Policy was adopted and communicated by the Provost’s Office. |
1/29/21 | The Proposal for the Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellows Program was approved. | The Program went into effect for faculty searches in 2021-2022. |
1/29/21 | MCEF Steering Committee recommendation that Main Campus faculty will have the option to have the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 course evaluations in their rank and tenure dossier was approved. | Policy was adopted in the University’s Guidelines for Submission of Rank and Tenure Applications, Section V.b.ii. |
Archived Motions (2013-2018)
Date | Motion | Status |
12/14/18 | MCEF recommended approval of changes to Honor Council’s policy | Policy adopted. |
12/14/18 | Resolution to be sent to President DeGioia regarding changes to Title IX rules | Resolution was sent to President’s office. No further action needed. |
12/14/18 | MCEF Motion on SFS Participation in Annual Review of Pre-Tenure Faculty was approved | Annual Review Policy approved. |
11/16/18 | MCEF Recommendations based on the Intellectual Life Report were approved | Recommendations forwarded to Provost for consideration and implementation. Implementation has begun. |
11/16/18 | Proposed language by Sexual Assault and Misconduct Advisory Committee for inclusion on syllabus
was accepted and recommended for faculty use | No further action required |
11/16/18 | LGBTQIA+ Suggested Language on Names and Pronouns was accepted and recommended for faculty use | No further action required |
10/26/18 | Adjustment of Academic calender to harmonize the last day to withdraw from classes with “W” grade for undergraduate and graduate students | Policy adopted. |
3/23/18 | Annual Review Policy for TL faculty | Policy was forwarded to Council of Deans |
1/26/18 | Faculty Members’ Access to Their Records Policy | Policy adopted. No further action required. |
5/5/17 | The MCEF approved an updated statement of learning goals for the Core Curriculum. | No further action required. |
5/5/17 | The MCEF approved a joint committee with the Provost to examine issues surrounding NTL including in faculty governance. | Committee has issued a report that is under consideration |
5/5/17 | The MCEF approved a change in language for the sanctioning mechanism of the Honor Council | Proposal is being discussed with the Council of Deans |
5/5/17 | The MCEF approved a committee to develop a draft Code of Professional Conduct for the Main Campus | Committee is being formed |
5/5/17 | The MCEF passed a proposal asking for regular reporting from the Provost’s office on the number and type of faculty in programs across campus. | First report has been made |
3/24/17 | The MCEF created a committee to revisit and revise the Merit Review Policy | Committe is underway |
2/24/17 | The MCEF passed a proposal to remove class rankings from undergraduate transcipts. | No further action required |
1/27/17 | The MCEF authorized the Registrar to revise the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 academic calendar to meet accreditation requirements. | No further action required |
11/18/16 | The MCEF created a Constitution Committee to recommend changes to the MCEF constitution. | Committee is underway |
10/21/16 | The MCEF created the Intellectual Life Committee to provide an update to the decennial Intellectual Life Report | Committee is underway |
5/6/16 | The MCEF approves the Resolution concerning Access to Faculty Records. | Policy recommation has been made and approved |
1/15/15 | The MCEF approves the Revised Proposal for a “Designing the Futures AdvisoryCommittee.” | No further action required |
12/11/15 | The MCEF supported the proposed salary plan for TL and FTNTL faculty. | Passed by the Board of Directors |
12/11/15 | The MCEF approved the Main Campus FTNTL Faculty Committee proposal. | The committee has been formed. |
10/9/15 | The MCEF approved the Proposed Mid-Career Development Consultation Proposal. | No further action required |
5/8/15 | The document, “Georgetown University Main Campus Policy on Full-Time Faculty Salary Increases,” is an accurate statement of current policy. | No further action required |
4/24/15 | The MCEF approved the addition of an “Engaging Diversity” requirement to the Core Curriculum. | Passed by the Board of Directors |
4/24/15 | Recognizing the seriousness of sexual misconduct incidents on college campuses, the MCEF approved a motion supporting the dissemination of a statement regarding sexual misconduct by deans and faculty members. | No further action required |
4/24/15 | The MCEF approved a motion expressing concern over the worsening traffic congestion on the Main Campus. | No further action required |
2/27/15 | Membership was approved for the Film and Media Studies Program. | No further action required |
1/30/15 | Departments must ensure that each PhD student who is a teaching assistant receives a written course evaluation for each semester. | A committee is studying implementation |
1/30/15 | All terminal master’s students (except MBA students) will come under the Main Campus Honor Council. | Implemented |
1/30/15 | The Research FTNTL Framework was approved. | Passed by the Board of Directors |
12/12/14 | The MCEF approved the creation of a University-wide course designation for cross-campus interdisciplinary and experimental courses, for a three-year trial period. | No further action required |
12/12/14 | Georgetown Day activities should begin at noon. Arrangements should be made to make up any classes cancelled after noon. Student Affairs is asked to bring back a proposal to address noise concerns during afternoon classes. | A committee has been formed to study changes to Georgetown Day |
11/21/14 | Georgetown Day should not be held on a class day. | A committee has been formed to study changes to Georgetown Day |
9/19/14 | The MCEF approved the FTNTL framework for Instructional Faculty. | Approved by the Board of Directors |
9/19/14 | The MCEF endorsed the position that any minimum enrollment policy should be implemented in close consultation with departments and the faculty. | No further action required |
5/2/14 | The MCEF requested that the Registrar change the default window for evaluations to the 24-hour period encompassing the last class period. | This change was not feasible |
5/2/14 | The MCEF requested that the Registrar change the default window for evaluations from the standard week to the 24-hour period encompassing the last class period. | Registrar will report on implementation issues and possible alternatives |
4/25/14 | The Main Campus Executive Faculty invites the Georgetown University Student Association and the four Academic Councils to select two non-voting student representatives to the MCEF. | Implemented |
4/25/14 | The MCEF approved the Phased-Retirement Proposal dated 4/16/14, with amendments. | Passed by the Board of Directors |
4/25/14 | The MCEF approved the Special Voluntary Early Retirement Program proposal dated 4/16/14. | Passed by the Board of Directors |
4/25/14 | The MCEF approved the principles for a framework for full-time NTL faculty and endorsed the formation of an implementation committee. | Implementation Team was formed |
3/28/14 | Each faculty member should receive the grade distributions from every course and section in her/his department or program annually. | Implemented |
2/21/14 | Each chair and program director should receive data annually on their students’ average GPA inside and outside the major. | Implemented |
1/24/14 | The MCEF voted to approve the Provost’s memo on Academic Continuity Planning dated 11/15/2013. | Implemented |
1/24/14 | The MCEF passed a resolution expressing its objections to the proposed Voluntary Retirement Program. Specific concerns included the 25% reduction in compensation for retiring faculty and the process by which the proposals were generated. | A task force was formed to revise the proposals |
12/13/13 | The MCEF expressed its concern that the Merit Review Policy approved by the MCEF in December 2012 has not been implemented. | The Provost will form a committee to study the merit system |
12/13/13 | The MCEF approved the 12/04/13 draft of the Guidelines on Joint Faculty. | Implemented |
12/13/13 | Intellectual Life at Georgetown University 2006-2007: Recommendation 6.4 (grade distributions by department should be sent to all faculty members annually). | Implemented |
11/15/13 | Approved the Course Banking Proposal with additions: (i) This policy will be re-evaluated after 3 years; and (ii) If the proposal involves a single academic year, the faculty member can borrow ahead. | Implemented |
10/25/13 | MCEF approved the new sabbatical flexibility policy. | Implemented |
9/27/13 | The MCEF voted to amend the Constitution to expand membership eligibility to full-time members of the faculty with at least one year of service. | Passed by the Board of Directors |
*Click on the date to see the actual motion